Friday, April 27, 2012

Field Trip to the Atlanta Botanical Garden

We had a great trip to the Atlanta Botanical Garden. What was your favorite part of the trip? What was something new you learned?


Jack said...

I LOVED the Botanical Gardens SOOO much!!!!ALL the plants were BEAUTIFUL!

Elyse said...

The Botanical Gardens was so much fun. I didn't know that when a Venus fly trap closes it doesn't open in two days.The flowers were very pretty.

Carsyn said...

Going there was my favorite field trip since kindergarten. My favorite part was when we went into the rainforest and desert room. I learned that bugs and insects liked the color red.

tafton said...

My favorite part was when we went to
the rainforest and when we saw the
Venus fly trap and the pitcher plants

Jack said...

Hi Mrs.Plousis!! Just wanted to say hi!