Friday, November 18, 2011


We've been reading The BFG over the past few weeks. We just love Roald Dahl (we read Matilda first!).
Today we watched the movie and no movie is complete without a treat.  So of course we just HAD to try a drink from Giant Country....Frobscottle!!
To go along with our Frobscottle we had Snozzcumber cupcakes (they were delicious...unlike the Snozzcumbers from Giant Country).

We LOVED the movie and the treats made it even more special. What a fun afternoon!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our Turkey

We had a family project for November.  Each student took home a turkey feather and designed their feather with their family.  When they brought them back, we created a "classroom family" turkey.  Look how cute! Everyone was so creative!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Georgia on Our Minds

We are working hard and learning so much each day.  In Social Studies we have been learning about our great state.  What are some things you've learned about Georgia? What are you looking forward to learning more about?  We are going to be making movies about the regions of Georgia. Stay'll see us on the big screen soon!!